in the beginning...
hi there and welcome to my first blogging on my blog. not sure if i worded that quite correctly. hey now - everyone's doing it, no? okay, not that i should do it because i need to keep up with anyone who has ever had a thought and blogged about it. i decided to do it for myself to keep a record of where i've been, where i'm going, and where i am...physically, mentally, and spiritually. and if visitors, friends, and family are entertained, enlightened, and/or engaged by what i post, then i've shared a little bit of myself and what is important and newsworthy to me with them and the world.

things that will cause me to blog: deep thoughts, funny anecdotes, thoughts about current events, where i am, what i'm up to, and media of interest [picture/ videos/ links/ articles].

oh, and i think you should know that i have a major aversion to using capital letters. please don't expect very much in this department. i never officially took typing so i developed my own system. hey, and you should see me. i'm pretty quick; i use about seven of my ten fingers and i got the system down, baby! works for me. yeah, i am a little shy of using those shift keys. but, if you should read something that does contain capital letters, then, by god, it MUST be important.

i've learned alot over the past eight months because of my decision to leave california and to move to florida. it seems that after living on the west coast off and on for over twelve years i got majorly stuck in a rut in california [even though i love california and now miss it dearly]. so in my stuck-ness, i made a decision to "throw caution to the wind" and leave to see what else was out there for me. i am now in the tampa, florida area with plans to move to NYC sometime this year. but what i've learned is i'm on a journey and that is what i have chosen to focus on rather than the destination [career, location, etc]. tiny steps to "getting" there. the reason "getting" is in quotes is because "there" is not my focus, but rather the "getting" to there. and what or where is "there?" it's me growing as a person through the act of moving and doing and being. that's one thing that life has showed me in the last few months. and it's made my day and nights more fun and interesting. [remember those deep thoughts i was talking about? well, you've just been hit with one!]

so i look forward to cyberly organizing my world and sharing it/ me with you.

okay. all done. i have officially blogged. or at least i think i did.
6 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I like your thoughts! Sounds to me like you are off and running on this venture!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Hi honey! I didn't know you decided to move, but what an exciting adventure! I think you are very correct in focusing on the journey and not the end-point. There's a saying I live by (oddly coined by one of the guys in Duran Duran) that says "Trust the process"...It's about focusing on the journey and not worrying about where you end up...I guess kind of like "Things happen for a reason". I am so excited for you and hope you'll keep in touch! Stop by Atlanta on your way up to NYC...there's some great live music and you'd love the city! xoxox

  3. Anonymous Says:

    By the way...the last comment is Jenn Graham! Hehe...

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Hey Michael, sorry to see you go although very happy for you. You have to follow your heart and gut. I have never been to a blog and what the hell does that stand for anyway? Is it an abbreviation? I usually don't capitalize either and have no idea why I am now. I visited Bradenton and Manatee Springs when I was in the service. We played all the High Schools and parades around there. It's beautiful but no Cali. Best of luck to you and thanks for inviting me to your journal of your journey. Please keep in touch, Gia

  5. Unknown Says:

    Michael--I was on CBS with Charlie Rose when Nunsense first started. I even have a souvenir mug from the appearance. What a Small World!

  6. Toi Lynn Says:

    Hey, M! Great to hear from you. Read all your bloggings so far, and looking forward to more. You are oozing so much talent it will be fun to see the chapters you write in your journey to NY and in NY. Miss you and sending you much love from me, Jordan and Bodhi.

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    NYC, United States
    A goal in mind. A vision. Daily steps to achieving the somewhat unachievable. A record of what is accomplished. Given FAITH that proceeding toward a transformation that will transform my life. Trust in the process. Chipping away at the fat while building glorious muscle. Seeing myself in a different light and gaining confidence beyond my wildest imagination. Becoming real. My reality. My Transformation at a cellular level. Using informed knowledge to change my life. For me and no one else. Giving to myself will allow me to give to others. Loving myself better so I can love others better. One day at a time. One week at a time planned out. To become months and years of better fitness for myself. Again, grasshopper, trust in the process.