a weighty issue
for almost a year now, my weight has been ballooning and i have not been able to lose any of it. it's been very frustrating for me. i have been working out like a crazy man since november [weights three days a week/ cardio three days a week] and eating a sensible diet: tons of veggies, lean proteins, and lots of water. so after a year of not being able to lose any of this weight and not knowing what to do, i finally decided to see a weight loss specialist/ doctor to help me lose this weight. last tuesday i went in for my first appointment. the doctor gave me a blood test to check all my basic levels and put me on a low calorie diet of 700 calories [max!] a day. he also gave me an appetite suppressant Rx. let me tell you, after being used to eating a total on average of 2500 to 3000 calories a day, 700 calories is quite challenging. no carbs or fruit for the first four weeks. just four servings of vegetables [no starchy vegetables], one serving of dairy [usually a cup of skim milk], and twelve servings of a lean protein source per day [usually broken up into four meals] is all that's allowed. i must say, it's a little bit difficult getting used to. my brain has been foggy, yet surprisingly focused all week [it must be the combination of the low calories and the appetite suppressant].

this past week the doctor called to tell me that i have a underactive thyroid. wtf!?! i can't believe it. i've had so many blood tests in the past few years and none of them have come back with those results. to tell you the truth, i am a little relieved that it's not my imagination and that there is a real physical reason why i am not losing weight. so, when i see the doctor this week, he will prescribe synthoid, a thyroid Rx. i'm kind of excited because now i have a medical plan in place to help me in lose weight [i am now at 270 lbs. and the doctor told me my goal weight should be in the range of 200 - 215 lbs.]. wish me luck! and please don't eat krispy creams in front of me!

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Michael, I am Krissy's (the immigrant)Mom and I want to wish you much luck with your weight loss. If you ever want some cook book advice, please don't hesitate to ask. I've taken my son to a nutritionist and trainer and gotten lots of good information that I'd be happy to pass on. Lillian Pizzo

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    NYC, United States
    A goal in mind. A vision. Daily steps to achieving the somewhat unachievable. A record of what is accomplished. Given FAITH that proceeding toward a transformation that will transform my life. Trust in the process. Chipping away at the fat while building glorious muscle. Seeing myself in a different light and gaining confidence beyond my wildest imagination. Becoming real. My reality. My Transformation at a cellular level. Using informed knowledge to change my life. For me and no one else. Giving to myself will allow me to give to others. Loving myself better so I can love others better. One day at a time. One week at a time planned out. To become months and years of better fitness for myself. Again, grasshopper, trust in the process.