it's all about the journey, huh?
i guess i have to keep reminding myself of this concept. it's so frustrating to want to be ten steps ahead when you think or know you can only go one or two, or even a slow crawl that only has you going in a circle at the moment. or sometimes it's three giant steps back! ugh!

so i am working with a life coach right now to help me figure out some things in my life. today was our second session by phone. i think everyone should have a life coach assigned to them as soon as they are spit out or "pronged" from the womb. think what life resources one would have at the age of two! playdates and a weekly session all about picking the right toy to play with!

my life coach is awesome. check out her amazing credentials when you check out her website:

so my assignments this week are all about learning to be specific. i don't know about you, but most of the time i am afraid of being specific of what i want: it's scary. what happens if you don't get what you want? plan B? plan D? Plan Z? Plan DD.2? or accept that it ain't going to happen for you. what happens if all your life you've had the wrong dream? is this possible? what about all the girls who dreamed of being a ballerina or all the boys who dreamed of being a professional baseball player [or in this day in age, visa versa]? i guess they realize it ain't going to happen and move on. and then there are those who are stubborn [or persevere - take your pick on which sounds better to, i will be specific: persevere] take two: then there are those who persevere and keep trudging along in the overgrown jungle, looking for the path, only realizing there is no path: we are making our own through the underbrush. we know the ground is there, but the path isn't...yet. we, like those people are extremely stupid or brave. maybe a little bit of both? whoever said don't give up on your dreams was a man [i assume] who was trying to convince himself that if he did give up, he'd die.

i guess it also involves a bit of passion and crazyness. and i'm sure the recipe has a few other elements in it, too.

so when things get difficult, maybe it's because we are in the process of making a new path. our path. but isn't it suppose to look like????...isn't it suppose to be like.... his???? hers???? something somewhat resembling a way forward????? a way????? the answer, i'm sorry to say, is no. and maybe that is a good thing? then it is truly ours when we look back on the way we've made. i'm learning that when i hesitate, that is the moment it clicks in my brain, "i am not on a pre-determined way; i am making my own path right now." then i push a little further because if i don't, i will die.

it's all about the journey and path making, huh?

so i get to be specific this week, she says. stay tuned. i'll report or wednesday. yes, i'll get back to you....

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    What if you're on A path and you thought you were on THE path, but then a toll booth hits and you don't have the right change? Or you do have the right change but realize you should have taken the scenic byway instead. Or you were on the right path before you veered offcourse because you have always wanted to be in the Autobahn and when you finally got your chance, you realized you were driving a Bug, not a Maserati.

    Answers please.

  2. Gawd, what a good question. Having been straightened out somewhat by a series of fabulous life-coaches for a few years, I'm starting to get it.

    Here's how I understand it. A kid dreams, "I want to be a ballerina." Then at some point someone tells her "You're not good enough." She draws the (stupid, but our subconscious minds are, sort of) conclusion that she does not deserve her dream. Now, since she did not become a ballerina, she has solid proof that dreams do not come true, and she tells herself this thought to console herself. Of course, every time she says it, it continues to come true.


    Seriously, imagine this: What if you were so evolved that the universe really DID manifest your every desire in the time frame you intend? (Takes practice.) You'd have to be sure not to say stupid, lazy things.

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    NYC, United States
    A goal in mind. A vision. Daily steps to achieving the somewhat unachievable. A record of what is accomplished. Given FAITH that proceeding toward a transformation that will transform my life. Trust in the process. Chipping away at the fat while building glorious muscle. Seeing myself in a different light and gaining confidence beyond my wildest imagination. Becoming real. My reality. My Transformation at a cellular level. Using informed knowledge to change my life. For me and no one else. Giving to myself will allow me to give to others. Loving myself better so I can love others better. One day at a time. One week at a time planned out. To become months and years of better fitness for myself. Again, grasshopper, trust in the process.