Twitter me this...
okay. i'm finally trying out Twitter.

i decided to use my Facebook for more of a PR thing and my Twitter for random thoughts and musings. the one thing i don't like about FB is that EVERYONE knows everything when you post it and you can read EVERYONE'S conversations. it's like being in a giant room with everyone and sometimes they don't talk to you or you to them. so, i have alot of potential clients who want to check me out on FB and that is why i decided to use it as more of a public relations avenue for me. my wall is organized with music and acting news about me and i've disabled the wall to the effect that they can't initialize a post. of course, they can leave a comment about something i've posted. i mean, come on - it's my face and my book - so it's my way. this way if people really want to chat they can leave me a message via private message or email me. i know this is probably harsh but to organize stuff this way is actually easier for me and helps me not to check my FB account every 3 seconds (which is why i deactivated my account earlier this year - i was spending TOO much time on FB...i have three letters for you: OCD?).

so now that i'm twittering, i can leave snippets of my day. and if friends want to check it they can.

and if not, that's okay, too.
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    NYC, United States
    A goal in mind. A vision. Daily steps to achieving the somewhat unachievable. A record of what is accomplished. Given FAITH that proceeding toward a transformation that will transform my life. Trust in the process. Chipping away at the fat while building glorious muscle. Seeing myself in a different light and gaining confidence beyond my wildest imagination. Becoming real. My reality. My Transformation at a cellular level. Using informed knowledge to change my life. For me and no one else. Giving to myself will allow me to give to others. Loving myself better so I can love others better. One day at a time. One week at a time planned out. To become months and years of better fitness for myself. Again, grasshopper, trust in the process.