Yeah, whatevah...

so i've been MIA for the last few months on this blog. if you read the last entry, you know why.


but hey! ... i'm back.

so, stay tuned to this blog. alot of cool new projects are happening for me. i plan to update you on all the bizness news and some insights going on in my brain. and maybe the two shall meet.

you say, yeah whatevah...

i say heck yeah, whatEVah...

and you'll read it here.

stay tuned....

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    About Me

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    NYC, United States
    A goal in mind. A vision. Daily steps to achieving the somewhat unachievable. A record of what is accomplished. Given FAITH that proceeding toward a transformation that will transform my life. Trust in the process. Chipping away at the fat while building glorious muscle. Seeing myself in a different light and gaining confidence beyond my wildest imagination. Becoming real. My reality. My Transformation at a cellular level. Using informed knowledge to change my life. For me and no one else. Giving to myself will allow me to give to others. Loving myself better so I can love others better. One day at a time. One week at a time planned out. To become months and years of better fitness for myself. Again, grasshopper, trust in the process.